by Viva Fresh Expo | Feb 4, 2020
Video #4 for Jed Murray. Lets rip off a band aide… Jed gets personal with us and sheds light on how clean eating has helped him through a difficult situation in his life.
by Viva Fresh Expo | Jan 20, 2020
Video #4 for Ed Bertaud. Half way to his goal and still going strong, Ed begins a new workout routine. See what Ed is now up to in the new year.
by Viva Fresh Expo | Jan 20, 2020
Video #6 for Tommy Wilkins, not a diet or a chore but a life changing decision for Tommy. J&D Produce has donated some leafy greens to help Tommy and the others with their clean eating journey and excited to see what recipes Tommy will make with them.
by Viva Fresh Expo | Jan 15, 2020
Video #5 for Michelle Cortez. An old picture from 2 years ago brings Michelle to confess what many woman would rather keep a secret.
by Viva Fresh Expo | Jan 13, 2020
Video #5 for Tommy Wilkins, coming out of the holidays and initiating a new year 20 lbs lighter.
by Viva Fresh Expo | Dec 31, 2019
Video #4 for Michelle Cortez. Habits die hard, and as a former chef, Michelle explains some challenges in prepping food. Follow her journey and the others as well.